Pig Blood Vampire: A Review



Trade in screams for squeals in Pig Blood Vampire (2020), a playful and disorienting indie film that thrives in its dark, Alice in Wonderland-esque absurdity. A man (Nick Josephs) with prosopagnosia—or face blindness—descends into a surreal and bizarre world of vampires, intrusive acquaintances, and (both real and imagined) pigs after he becomes convinced that he has killed one of the latter.

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Pig Blood Vampire’s appeal rests in its unpredictability, uniqueness, and bold outlandishness. The film brings to mind a more comedic spin on such horror/suspense films as mother! (2017) and Braid (2019) in that Pig Blood Vampire crafts an intimate and unnerving atmosphere through its hallucinogenic imagery, purposely uneven narrative, and quirky characters. The artistic chaos of the plot lends to its appealing mystique and sense of uncertainty, and the bizarre and unexpected moments of humor are well-timed and clever.

Much like the aforementioned films, Pig Blood Vampire will most likely please fans who have a specific taste for the more surreal side of the dark comedy subgenre of horror/suspense. While this movie is not classified as a horror film, it provides an entertaining sense of unease through its disorienting sequences (which, depending upon its audience, may serve as either a positive or negative aspect in the viewing experience). While there are certain transitions and moments in the film that feel a bit awkward in their execution, the overall effect of the film is fresh and compelling.

Overall, Pig Blood Vampire is a clever dark comedy that provides a departure from formulaic plot lines and predictable outcomes.

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